Situation analysis HIV/AIDS/TB

Situation analysis HIV/AIDS/TB (95-95-95) – Angola

October 2020

The United Nations established the Political Declaration on Ending AIDS in 2016, whereby signatory countries committed to eradicating the AIDS epidemic by 2030. Despite the availability of resources and political will, Angola still faces significant challenges. Regrettably, more than half of the people living with HIV in Angola lack access to antiretroviral therapy. To address this challenge, Plug-in. Mz conducted a thorough situation analysis that involved a detailed evaluation of HIV/AIDS and TB programs. This analysis included the documentation and analysis of key indicators to assess their adequacy, the identification of gaps, challenges, opportunities, and priority program areas, including addressing key population groups (sex workers, women transgender, MSM, youth, people with disabilities and the gender dimensions of the epidemic at the national level

Client: Unaids Angola
