Assessment of the adaptation of routine immunisation service delivery during the COVID-19 (M-RITE)

Assessment of the adaptation of routine immunisation service delivery during the COVID-19 (MRITE Project)

November 2023

Given the reduced demand for crucial health services, including routine immunisation (RI), during the COVID-19 pandemic in several low- and middle-income countries, it has become essential to devise innovative delivery models that can alleviate service disruptions in the short term and contribute to more equitable immunisation coverage in the long-term. To that end, Plug-in. Mz spearheaded a qualitative research project in Nampula, Zambezia, and Maputo City, wherein the organisation recruited, trained, and supervised qualitative field staff, designed data collection instruments, conducted in-depth interviews with health workers, facility managers and sub-national health managers, and led data analysis and report writing.

Client: John Snow Inc (JSI) Research & Training Institute
