In-country support to global

Global health

Drawing from our deep bench of in-house health and development experts and a network of trusted consultants, Plug-in.Mz is the go-to consulting firm to partner with strategically deliver on-the-ground support to your program/project/initiative in Mozambique.

Our organizational structure allows us to improve efficiencies and cost-effectiveness to an array of support mechanisms covering the following topics: HIV/AIDS, TB, Malaria, SSR/FP, Nutrition, AGYW, GBV, and Human Rights.

At Plug-in.Mz clients receive the individualized attention they deserve, so our advisory and support services speak directly to their needs.

What we offer

Dedicated team to support coordination and implementation of in-country projects/programs/initiatives, including:

  • Convening and facilitating in-country consultations;
  • Liaising with project stakeholders, including donors, non-government organizations, local government and national government agencies; provision of capacity development and mentoring support; undertaking data collection, monitoring, evaluation and learning;
  • Conduct assessment
  • Conduct information sessions communicate with potential grantees and support proposal development and production capacity assessment processes
  • Backstopping of requests and reporting
  • Travel arrangements and logistics