Monitoring, evaluation,
research and learning (MERL)

MERL serves two essential purposes. It provides the key to learning and improving performance, fine-tuning approaches and designs to reorient future planning. By looking backwards, it helps organizations to collect relevant information providing the basis for accountability for funds spent, which is the center for good governance and effective management. By looking forward, it provides the key to learning and improving performance, and when necessary, revising approaches and designs with a view toward ensuring the intended outcomes and impacts are achieved.
Localizing the SDGs In Mozambique is putting local organizations under greater pressure to make their operations as transparent and accountable as possible and to demonstrate development success in a clear, comprehensive and compelling manner. Although progress has been made in Mozambique, local partners are still facing many challenges related to their infrastructure. It is, therefore, critical for local organizations to strengthen their capacities to collect, analyze and use data across all levels of program implementation.
What we offer
Plug-in.Mz approach to MERL draws on our country-led experience in a variety of quantitative and qualitative approaches and techniques, allowing us to provide tailored support to various assignments. Our team use a participatory approach to assess the quality of a program/project system and to develop interventions for system strengthening.
- Rapid Assessment of the Minimum Strategic Information and Evaluation Standards (RAMSES)
- Coaching and training local partners on MERL and data utilization
- Project cycle management/project performance management
- Data collection support Reviews of projects and programmes
- Program/project monitoring and evaluation
- Site and operational assessment.